FASUG Application Development Day 2004

Track D Session 4

Develop and Code JavaServer Pages (JSPs)
Craig Pelkie

Develop and Code JavaServer Pages (JSPs)
JavaServer Pages (JSP) is one of the primary techniques used to develop web pages in Java. Using JSP, a developer can easily incorporate Java with HTML, both to act as data entry forms and to display data. In this session, some of the fundamental concepts of JSP will be presented, with particular emphasis on features that are useful in a data processing web application.

Craig Pelkie   is a frequent speaker at seminars and user group meetings around the country. Craig has written many articles for the major industry publications (Midrange Computing, News/400) and is an on-going contributor to iSeries 400 Experts Journal. Craig is a coauthor of four IBM Redbooks and the creator of the IBM Learning Services Net.Data course. Craig currently works with The 400 School to deliver customized training courses for Java and WebSphere projects. He maintains a web site at www.web400.com with many articles and code samples freely available to the iSeries 400 community.

Web Page: Ashway Consulting, LLC.